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Hidden Baggage: The Prevalence of Abuse Among Adventist Youth

As Christians, it is easy to get a false sense of security about how protected our children and young people…

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Striking the Right Chord: Youth Caution in Music Selection

The famous philosopher and poet Friedrich Nietzche once said, “Without music life would be a mistake.” There’s no denying it:…

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Walking in the Light: Adventist Youth Participation in Sinful Behaviors

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” This plea comes from King…

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Reflecting Our Creator: Youth Views on Dress and Modesty

When it comes to the way we dress, the Bible is full of advice! “Likewise also that women should adorn…

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“Garbage In, Garbage Out:” Young Adults Perspectives on TV and Movies

“Garbage in, garbage out.” How many times have you heard that saying? Perhaps your parents said it to you when you…

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Avoiding Anger and Bitterness: Youth Views on Negative Emotions

Have you ever gotten angry? I mean, really angry. I’m talking “smoke-coming-out-your-nose” angry! And what about holding a grudge? Have you ever…

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Lend a Hand: Youth Participation in Volunteering and Witnessing

If you’re anything like many life-long Adventists, ever since you were small – through Sabbath school, Adventure Club, Pathfinders, and…

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The B-I-B-L-E: Bible Reading Habits of Adventist Young People

“The B-I-B-L-E –Yes, that’s the book for me!I stand alone on the Word of God,The B-I-B-L-E!” How many of you…

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To Know Him More: Spiritually-growing Methods Employed by Adventist Youth

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus…

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Jesus is Coming Again! Youth Views on the Second Coming

“Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:Jesus is coming again!Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:Jesus is…